ROUNDTABLE Carceral power and state violence in ‘caring states’
Track 2
Thursday, July 11, 2024 |
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM |
TL455 (Mary Dunn Lecture Theatre - LTB) |
Martha O'Carroll
Carceral power and state violence in ‘caring states’
This roundtable brings together scholars whose work seeks to highlight the distinctive dynamics of carceral power and state violence specific to ‘caring states’, including research on prisons, community justice, youth justice and migration and borders. These are places where narratives of progressiveness and exceptionalism persist but where discourses of trauma and care simultaneously sanitise and extend structural violence while revalorising carceralism. Scotland, held up as a progressive corner of the UK, is a site of interest in the organisers’ own research but the roundtable welcomes contributions from each participant on their own jurisdictions to explore: How state violence operates distinctively in ‘caring states’? How are discourses of trauma being used to frame, shape and justify carceral interventions and violence? And what are the particular challenges of resistance in the context of ‘caring states’?