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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Track 1
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM Registration​​​
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM P*ss up in a brewery
Track 1
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM Registration​​​
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM P*ss up in a brewery

Track 1
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM Registration​​​
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM P*ss up in a brewery

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Track 2
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM Registration
8:45 AM - 10:00 AM Conference Welcome followed by PLENARY 1: WHAT IS CRIMINOLOGY?
Parallel 1
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Arts From Prison: The promises and caveats of creative engagements in prisons
Arts, education and intervention
Border Criminology
Crime, culture and imaginaries: history and memory
Exploring the impact of fraud and cybercrime on victims
Families, imprisonment and justice system: analysing symbiotic harms and promoting social justice
Focused deterrence in five English cities: Contextual findings from a multi-site realist evaluation
Gender, violence and borders
Hidden Harms and Injustices
Marginalised voices in Criminology: criminal justice and disability
Penality: Punishment and belonging
Prisons, culture, and history
Probation: Past, present and future
What are Police for? Engaging public understandings and views of the role and limits of local policing
Youth justice: Safety, security and diversion
11:50 AM - 12:10 PM Coffee Break
Parallel 2
12:10 PM - 1:40 PM
Affect and Atmospheres
Crime and Harm in a Globalised World
Criminal Justice Expertise and Experience
Criminology, Transitions and Penal Politics
Embedding procedural justice for victim-survivors into police responses to sexual violence: findings from Operation Soteria
Identitiy and Intersectionalities
Marginalised Voices in Criminology: Race and place 1
New Perspectives on Stigma and Responsibilisation: Prisoners' Families Research in Times of Transition
Non-criminal justice/community-driven responses to harm
Penal policy making and justice discourse
Prisoner Rights: A path to reform or legitimatising harm?
Technology, Crime and Harm
Transitions from colonial to decolonial and countercolonial
Understanding the role of shame in the desistance process: narrative and interactional perspectives
Where are questions of class within criminology? Considering the contributions of trade unions within the carceral state
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM Lunch
Parallel 3
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Author Meets Readers: What We Talk About When We Talk About Crime
Crime, culture and imaginaries 1
Criminological, social and political theory
Critical Thinking: Crime, justice and nonhuman animals
Desistance and the Life Course
From Harm to Hope: envisaging better futures
Identity and intersectionalities 2
Marginalised voices: Domestic abuse
Methods in Transition: Novel and Creative Approaches
Perspectives and Experiences of In/Justice
Place, Policing and Social Order: Global and Local
Policing in an Era of Digital Justice
Policing in an Era of Technological Innovation
Rehabilitating Probation? Exploring the unification of probation services in England and Wales
Researching Gender and Justice: history, reflexivity and possibilities
5:10 PM - 6:10 PM
Author meets critics: Tor: From the Dark Web to the Future of Privacy
Author Meets Readers: The Stains of Imprisonment
BSC Hate Crime Network Panel 1
Can we create a trauma-informed justice system?
Getting Published! A guide for early career researchers
Governing the Effects of Climate Change: Local policing adaptations, impacts and implications
Knowledge Equity in Criminology?
Re-visioning juvenile justice: Kilbrandon at 60
Speaking out about sexual violence: The politics of voice, victimisation and recognition post #MeToo
Special Event: Zine making for voice, disruption and transformation
The borders of violence: temporary migration and domestic and family violence
The Gendered Effects of Context on Hate Crimes Motivated by Sexual Orientation
The Making of the International Handbook of Sensory Criminology: Why/What/How?
Untangling safety and security in children and young people’s lives
Vulnerability and Policing: Transforming Public Service Responses in Ways that Reduce Harm
6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Welcome reception
7:30 PM - 11:59 PM Party at the pub
Track 2
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM Registration
8:45 AM - 10:00 AM Conference Welcome followed by PLENARY 1: WHAT IS CRIMINOLOGY?
Parallel 1
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Arts From Prison: The promises and caveats of creative engagements in prisons
Arts, education and intervention
Border Criminology
Crime, culture and imaginaries: history and memory
Exploring the impact of fraud and cybercrime on victims
Families, imprisonment and justice system: analysing symbiotic harms and promoting social justice
Focused deterrence in five English cities: Contextual findings from a multi-site realist evaluation
Gender, violence and borders
Hidden Harms and Injustices
Marginalised voices in Criminology: criminal justice and disability
Penality: Punishment and belonging
Prisons, culture, and history
Probation: Past, present and future
What are Police for? Engaging public understandings and views of the role and limits of local policing
Youth justice: Safety, security and diversion
11:50 AM - 12:10 PM Coffee Break
Parallel 2
12:10 PM - 1:40 PM
Affect and Atmospheres
Crime and Harm in a Globalised World
Criminal Justice Expertise and Experience
Criminology, Transitions and Penal Politics
Embedding procedural justice for victim-survivors into police responses to sexual violence: findings from Operation Soteria
Identitiy and Intersectionalities
Marginalised Voices in Criminology: Race and place 1
New Perspectives on Stigma and Responsibilisation: Prisoners' Families Research in Times of Transition
Non-criminal justice/community-driven responses to harm
Penal policy making and justice discourse
Prisoner Rights: A path to reform or legitimatising harm?
Technology, Crime and Harm
Transitions from colonial to decolonial and countercolonial
Understanding the role of shame in the desistance process: narrative and interactional perspectives
Where are questions of class within criminology? Considering the contributions of trade unions within the carceral state
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM Lunch
Parallel 3
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Author Meets Readers: What We Talk About When We Talk About Crime
Crime, culture and imaginaries 1
Criminological, social and political theory
Critical Thinking: Crime, justice and nonhuman animals
Desistance and the Life Course
From Harm to Hope: envisaging better futures
Identity and intersectionalities 2
Marginalised voices: Domestic abuse
Methods in Transition: Novel and Creative Approaches
Perspectives and Experiences of In/Justice
Place, Policing and Social Order: Global and Local
Policing in an Era of Digital Justice
Policing in an Era of Technological Innovation
Rehabilitating Probation? Exploring the unification of probation services in England and Wales
Researching Gender and Justice: history, reflexivity and possibilities
5:10 PM - 6:10 PM
Author meets critics: Tor: From the Dark Web to the Future of Privacy
Author Meets Readers: The Stains of Imprisonment
BSC Hate Crime Network Panel 1
Can we create a trauma-informed justice system?
Getting Published! A guide for early career researchers
Governing the Effects of Climate Change: Local policing adaptations, impacts and implications
Knowledge Equity in Criminology?
Re-visioning juvenile justice: Kilbrandon at 60
Speaking out about sexual violence: The politics of voice, victimisation and recognition post #MeToo
Special Event: Zine making for voice, disruption and transformation
The borders of violence: temporary migration and domestic and family violence
The Gendered Effects of Context on Hate Crimes Motivated by Sexual Orientation
The Making of the International Handbook of Sensory Criminology: Why/What/How?
Untangling safety and security in children and young people’s lives
Vulnerability and Policing: Transforming Public Service Responses in Ways that Reduce Harm
6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Welcome reception
7:30 PM - 11:59 PM Party at the pub

Track 2
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM Registration
8:45 AM - 10:00 AM Conference Welcome followed by PLENARY 1: WHAT IS CRIMINOLOGY?
Parallel 1
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Arts From Prison: The promises and caveats of creative engagements in prisons
Arts, education and intervention
Border Criminology
Crime, culture and imaginaries: history and memory
Exploring the impact of fraud and cybercrime on victims
Families, imprisonment and justice system: analysing symbiotic harms and promoting social justice
Focused deterrence in five English cities: Contextual findings from a multi-site realist evaluation
Gender, violence and borders
Hidden Harms and Injustices
Marginalised voices in Criminology: criminal justice and disability
Penality: Punishment and belonging
Prisons, culture, and history
Probation: Past, present and future
What are Police for? Engaging public understandings and views of the role and limits of local policing
Youth justice: Safety, security and diversion
11:50 AM - 12:10 PM Coffee Break
Parallel 2
12:10 PM - 1:40 PM
Affect and Atmospheres
Crime and Harm in a Globalised World
Criminal Justice Expertise and Experience
Criminology, Transitions and Penal Politics
Embedding procedural justice for victim-survivors into police responses to sexual violence: findings from Operation Soteria
Identitiy and Intersectionalities
Marginalised Voices in Criminology: Race and place 1
New Perspectives on Stigma and Responsibilisation: Prisoners' Families Research in Times of Transition
Non-criminal justice/community-driven responses to harm
Penal policy making and justice discourse
Prisoner Rights: A path to reform or legitimatising harm?
Technology, Crime and Harm
Transitions from colonial to decolonial and countercolonial
Understanding the role of shame in the desistance process: narrative and interactional perspectives
Where are questions of class within criminology? Considering the contributions of trade unions within the carceral state
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM Lunch
Parallel 3
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Author Meets Readers: What We Talk About When We Talk About Crime
Crime, culture and imaginaries 1
Criminological, social and political theory
Critical Thinking: Crime, justice and nonhuman animals
Desistance and the Life Course
From Harm to Hope: envisaging better futures
Identity and intersectionalities 2
Marginalised voices: Domestic abuse
Methods in Transition: Novel and Creative Approaches
Perspectives and Experiences of In/Justice
Place, Policing and Social Order: Global and Local
Policing in an Era of Digital Justice
Policing in an Era of Technological Innovation
Rehabilitating Probation? Exploring the unification of probation services in England and Wales
Researching Gender and Justice: history, reflexivity and possibilities
5:10 PM - 6:10 PM
Author meets critics: Tor: From the Dark Web to the Future of Privacy
Author Meets Readers: The Stains of Imprisonment
BSC Hate Crime Network Panel 1
Can we create a trauma-informed justice system?
Getting Published! A guide for early career researchers
Governing the Effects of Climate Change: Local policing adaptations, impacts and implications
Knowledge Equity in Criminology?
Re-visioning juvenile justice: Kilbrandon at 60
Speaking out about sexual violence: The politics of voice, victimisation and recognition post #MeToo
Special Event: Zine making for voice, disruption and transformation
The borders of violence: temporary migration and domestic and family violence
The Gendered Effects of Context on Hate Crimes Motivated by Sexual Orientation
The Making of the International Handbook of Sensory Criminology: Why/What/How?
Untangling safety and security in children and young people’s lives
Vulnerability and Policing: Transforming Public Service Responses in Ways that Reduce Harm
6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Welcome reception
7:30 PM - 11:59 PM Party at the pub

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Track 2
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM Registration​
Parallel 4
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Learning and Teaching Network Panel
Narrative Criminology
New Approaches to Historical Criminology
New Challenges in Abolition Studies
Penal politics
Penality: Borders between youth, adult and family justice
Policing and Victims
Problems within the Police: Blame, corruption and whistleblowing
Religion in Prison: addressing damaging gaps of knowledge and provision
Responding to Sexual Offending
ROUNDTABLE Expansion and criticism in convict criminology in the UK: a panel on lived experience of criminal justice, co-production and academic practice.
The meaning and role of sport and physical activity in our prisons.
WCCJ Network: Harm across time and place: Exploring women’s experiences
9:30 AM - 3:40 PM METHODS TENT: Board Games, Story Telling, Collage and Zines
11:50 - Board Games: Roll With It and Probationary/Conditions 12:30 - Team Zine 14:15 - Digital Storytelling using virtual and augmented reality in research 15:00 - Capturing Moments with Collage :
Full details here
11:05 AM - 11:25 AM Coffee Break​
Parallel 5
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Exploring Criminogenic Contexts
Extremism and Atrocities
Histories of Punishment
In and Out of Prison: Gender and Justice
Injustice in the nightime and shadow economies
Navigating negative judgements and representations of young people
Risk and Reform in Carceral Settings
ROUNDTABLE Carceral power and state violence in ‘caring states’
Special Event: Credible Messenger
The Politics of Environmental Harm (BSC Green Criminology Network)
The Problems of Imprisonment
The Rural Racism Project: Towards an Inclusive Countryside
The Vulnerable State: The punitive-humanitarian complex in the working lives of frontline staff
Virtual Violence and Online Abuse
WCCJN: 'Women's voices: Expressions of harm and hope for justice-involved women
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM BSC AGM
Lunch ​
Parallel 6
1:50 PM - 3:20 PM
British Society of Criminology Hate Crime Network Panel 2
Criminology and Nonhuman Animals: Exploring Crimes Against Nonhuman Animals in a Changing World
Criminology, Cars and Climate: Past, present and future
Domestic Abuses
Finding Belonging: Re/entry and restoration
Food culture(s) and land-based activities in criminal justice settings: impediments and opportunities
Green Criminology: Crime trends and thereotical tensions
Lived Experience and Expertise
Marginalised Voices in Criminology: Race and place 2
Organised Crime: International perspectives
Penality: Professional identities
Policing: Drugs, diversion and expertise
ROUNDTABLE The implementation of the Order for Lifelong Restriction (OLR) sentence in Scotland.
WCCJN: Women’s Voices: Consent and Criminality
Women’s voices in desistance across time and space
Parallel 7
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Criminology and Nonhuman Animals: New Perspectives on nonhuman animal harm.
Critical Thinking: Carcerality and crimmigration
Evolving Child First in Youth Justice: Overcoming obstacles in research and practice
Invisibility, Black Women and the Criminal Justice System
Perspectives of In/justice
Plural Borders of Policing
Policing and the Everyday Politics of Crime Control
Prison: Trauma, abolition, and reform
Queerness, Carceralism, and Resistance
ROUNDTABLE Creative dissemination discussion: thinking creatively about impact
ROUNDTABLE The historical, contemporaneous and future use of Restorative Justice within the Probation Service of England and Wales
ROUNDTABLE Unpacking the journey of a criminology student: an invitation to a dialogue
Shifting Paradigms of Policing
The International Association for the Study of Organized Crime Presents Brief Studies on Contemporary Organized Crime
WCCJN: Women’s Voices - Gender-Based Violence
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Conference Dinner
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM Conference Ceilidh
Track 2
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM Registration​
Parallel 4
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Learning and Teaching Network Panel
Narrative Criminology
New Approaches to Historical Criminology
New Challenges in Abolition Studies
Penal politics
Penality: Borders between youth, adult and family justice
Policing and Victims
Problems within the Police: Blame, corruption and whistleblowing
Religion in Prison: addressing damaging gaps of knowledge and provision
Responding to Sexual Offending
ROUNDTABLE Expansion and criticism in convict criminology in the UK: a panel on lived experience of criminal justice, co-production and academic practice.
The meaning and role of sport and physical activity in our prisons.
WCCJ Network: Harm across time and place: Exploring women’s experiences
9:30 AM - 3:40 PM METHODS TENT: Board Games, Story Telling, Collage and Zines
11:50 - Board Games: Roll With It and Probationary/Conditions 12:30 - Team Zine 14:15 - Digital Storytelling using virtual and augmented reality in research 15:00 - Capturing Moments with Collage :
Full details here
11:05 AM - 11:25 AM Coffee Break​
Parallel 5
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Exploring Criminogenic Contexts
Extremism and Atrocities
Histories of Punishment
In and Out of Prison: Gender and Justice
Injustice in the nightime and shadow economies
Navigating negative judgements and representations of young people
Risk and Reform in Carceral Settings
ROUNDTABLE Carceral power and state violence in ‘caring states’
Special Event: Credible Messenger
The Politics of Environmental Harm (BSC Green Criminology Network)
The Problems of Imprisonment
The Rural Racism Project: Towards an Inclusive Countryside
The Vulnerable State: The punitive-humanitarian complex in the working lives of frontline staff
Virtual Violence and Online Abuse
WCCJN: 'Women's voices: Expressions of harm and hope for justice-involved women
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM BSC AGM
Lunch ​
Parallel 6
1:50 PM - 3:20 PM
British Society of Criminology Hate Crime Network Panel 2
Criminology and Nonhuman Animals: Exploring Crimes Against Nonhuman Animals in a Changing World
Criminology, Cars and Climate: Past, present and future
Domestic Abuses
Finding Belonging: Re/entry and restoration
Food culture(s) and land-based activities in criminal justice settings: impediments and opportunities
Green Criminology: Crime trends and thereotical tensions
Lived Experience and Expertise
Marginalised Voices in Criminology: Race and place 2
Organised Crime: International perspectives
Penality: Professional identities
Policing: Drugs, diversion and expertise
ROUNDTABLE The implementation of the Order for Lifelong Restriction (OLR) sentence in Scotland.
WCCJN: Women’s Voices: Consent and Criminality
Women’s voices in desistance across time and space
Parallel 7
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Criminology and Nonhuman Animals: New Perspectives on nonhuman animal harm.
Critical Thinking: Carcerality and crimmigration
Evolving Child First in Youth Justice: Overcoming obstacles in research and practice
Invisibility, Black Women and the Criminal Justice System
Perspectives of In/justice
Plural Borders of Policing
Policing and the Everyday Politics of Crime Control
Prison: Trauma, abolition, and reform
Queerness, Carceralism, and Resistance
ROUNDTABLE Creative dissemination discussion: thinking creatively about impact
ROUNDTABLE The historical, contemporaneous and future use of Restorative Justice within the Probation Service of England and Wales
ROUNDTABLE Unpacking the journey of a criminology student: an invitation to a dialogue
Shifting Paradigms of Policing
The International Association for the Study of Organized Crime Presents Brief Studies on Contemporary Organized Crime
WCCJN: Women’s Voices - Gender-Based Violence
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Conference Dinner
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM Conference Ceilidh

Track 2
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM Registration​
Parallel 4
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Learning and Teaching Network Panel
Narrative Criminology
New Approaches to Historical Criminology
New Challenges in Abolition Studies
Penal politics
Penality: Borders between youth, adult and family justice
Policing and Victims
Problems within the Police: Blame, corruption and whistleblowing
Religion in Prison: addressing damaging gaps of knowledge and provision
Responding to Sexual Offending
ROUNDTABLE Expansion and criticism in convict criminology in the UK: a panel on lived experience of criminal justice, co-production and academic practice.
The meaning and role of sport and physical activity in our prisons.
WCCJ Network: Harm across time and place: Exploring women’s experiences
9:30 AM - 3:40 PM METHODS TENT: Board Games, Story Telling, Collage and Zines
11:50 - Board Games: Roll With It and Probationary/Conditions 12:30 - Team Zine 14:15 - Digital Storytelling using virtual and augmented reality in research 15:00 - Capturing Moments with Collage :
Full details here
11:05 AM - 11:25 AM Coffee Break​
Parallel 5
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Exploring Criminogenic Contexts
Extremism and Atrocities
Histories of Punishment
In and Out of Prison: Gender and Justice
Injustice in the nightime and shadow economies
Navigating negative judgements and representations of young people
Risk and Reform in Carceral Settings
ROUNDTABLE Carceral power and state violence in ‘caring states’
Special Event: Credible Messenger
The Politics of Environmental Harm (BSC Green Criminology Network)
The Problems of Imprisonment
The Rural Racism Project: Towards an Inclusive Countryside
The Vulnerable State: The punitive-humanitarian complex in the working lives of frontline staff
Virtual Violence and Online Abuse
WCCJN: 'Women's voices: Expressions of harm and hope for justice-involved women
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM BSC AGM
Lunch ​
Parallel 6
1:50 PM - 3:20 PM
British Society of Criminology Hate Crime Network Panel 2
Criminology and Nonhuman Animals: Exploring Crimes Against Nonhuman Animals in a Changing World
Criminology, Cars and Climate: Past, present and future
Domestic Abuses
Finding Belonging: Re/entry and restoration
Food culture(s) and land-based activities in criminal justice settings: impediments and opportunities
Green Criminology: Crime trends and thereotical tensions
Lived Experience and Expertise
Marginalised Voices in Criminology: Race and place 2
Organised Crime: International perspectives
Penality: Professional identities
Policing: Drugs, diversion and expertise
ROUNDTABLE The implementation of the Order for Lifelong Restriction (OLR) sentence in Scotland.
WCCJN: Women’s Voices: Consent and Criminality
Women’s voices in desistance across time and space
Parallel 7
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Criminology and Nonhuman Animals: New Perspectives on nonhuman animal harm.
Critical Thinking: Carcerality and crimmigration
Evolving Child First in Youth Justice: Overcoming obstacles in research and practice
Invisibility, Black Women and the Criminal Justice System
Perspectives of In/justice
Plural Borders of Policing
Policing and the Everyday Politics of Crime Control
Prison: Trauma, abolition, and reform
Queerness, Carceralism, and Resistance
ROUNDTABLE Creative dissemination discussion: thinking creatively about impact
ROUNDTABLE The historical, contemporaneous and future use of Restorative Justice within the Probation Service of England and Wales
ROUNDTABLE Unpacking the journey of a criminology student: an invitation to a dialogue
Shifting Paradigms of Policing
The International Association for the Study of Organized Crime Presents Brief Studies on Contemporary Organized Crime
WCCJN: Women’s Voices - Gender-Based Violence
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Conference Dinner
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM Conference Ceilidh

Friday, July 12, 2024
