ROUNDTABLE Expansion and criticism in convict criminology in the UK: a panel on lived experience of criminal justice, co-production and academic practice.
Track 2
Thursday, July 11, 2024 |
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM |
TL455 (Mary Dunn Lecture Theatre - LTB) |
Rod Earle
Senior Lecturer
The Open University
Expansion and criticism in convict criminology in the UK: a panel on lived experience of criminal justice, co-production and academic practice.
In 2024 Convict Criminology can no longer claim to have a monopoly on prisoners’ voices in the discipline of criminology, if it ever did. More and more voices are being raised and more diverse forms of co-production are being developed. Beth Weaver’s concept of ‘epistemic participation’, how some people are involved or excluded from the production of knowledge, is a useful perspective on the potentials emerging in new scholars, new scholarship and new partnerships. In this panel we bring together people and perspectives from British Convict Criminology and others who have been active in promoting criminological research and knowledge production around the issue of lived experience. Invited participants, including Gill Buck (University of Chester), Lucy Campbell (University of Edinburgh), Max Dennehy (Nottingham University), Paula Harriot (Prison Reform Trust), Rod Earle (The Open University), James Reilly (University of Strathclyde) and Ed Schreeche-Powell (Greenwich University) will discuss how lived experience informs higher education in prisons, researching prisons and what distinctive contributions can be made to criminology by those with lived experience of punitive interventions. With a chapter in the 7th edition of The Oxford Handbook of Criminology and new articles in the journal Power, Resistance and Justice, convict criminologists in the UK are testing the boundaries of the discipline and finding new ways of being heard. Join us and join in.