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Knowledge Equity in Criminology?

Track 2
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
5:10 PM - 6:10 PM
Level 1 Auditorium (TIC)


Shadd Maruna
Professor Of Criminology
Queen's University Belfast

Knowledge Equity in Criminology?


This roundtable discussion is meant as a follow-on discussion from Paula Harriott's BSC Glasgow plenary address. We will discuss the meaning of the concept of "knowledge equity" (Jaffe, 2017) in the context of criminology. How is knowledge produced and disseminated in criminology and criminal justice? Is knowledge equity even possible in a field like ours with the inherent power imbalances between researchers and the researched? What would knowledge equity look like? Roundtable participants will discuss participatory efforts we attempted to promote more equitable knowledge production and reduce epistemic injustice through co-design, collaboration, and co-delivery of research projects. We will also discuss the roadblocks and difficulties inherent in the research process that makes this sort of inclusive approach to research difficult if not impossible. Roundtable participants will be encouraged to think creatively about ways to make academic criminology less unequal, including moving away from the competition-focus of so much academic work, increasing the sharing of knowledge in open access outlets with dissemination strategies that transcend academic journals and conferences. All are welcome to join in on an open discussion on these issues.