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ROUNDTABLE Creative dissemination discussion: thinking creatively about impact

Track 2
Thursday, July 11, 2024
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
TL324 (Learning & Teaching)


Agenda Item Image
Professor Dominique Moran
University of Birmingham

Creative dissemination discussion: thinking creatively about impact

Dr Susie Hulley
Senior Research Associate
University Of Cambridge

Creative dissemination discussion: thinking creatively about impact


Ensuring research has ‘impact’ has been a long-standing requirement of research funders and sponsors, and researchers are often keen to ensure that their findings inform individuals and organisations outside of the academy. However, this requires engaging with new and innovative ways of ‘doing’ dissemination, rather than relying on the traditional (often written) forms of communication that dominate our field. This roundtable will bring together researchers and creative producers to discuss – with the audience – how we can think creatively about dissemination and impact. The roundtable discussants have experience of: transforming creative arts methods (e.g. bodymaps, photography) into creative outputs for exhibitions that engage the public in debates about law and punishment; developing creative and informative films to communicate research findings to practitioners and policy makers about marginalised groups’ experiences of the law and long-term imprisonment; and curating artistic programmes on issues of justice, to reach out to communities who may not access research and knowledge through formal or traditional structures. The roundtable will encourage the discussants and attendees to consider the following questions: What do we mean by ‘creative’ dissemination? Why should we think creatively when disseminating research findings? How do we ‘do’ creative dissemination? What are the limitations of, and barriers to doing, creative dissemination? How do we assess the value or ‘impact’ of creative dissemination?